I have 3 pair of running capris that I alternate. I like all of them, but I LOVE my Victorias Secret Knockout Crop pants.

They are awesome because they do not skooch down when I run. They are super comfy and thick enough that they don't show every little thing. <3 them!!! I need to order another pair in grey!
My second favorite pair are the Victorias Secret Supermodel Capri.
I love the waistband of this pair, it's so cute! It also has a secret pocket in the back of the waistband (inside) that I only discovered recently. I don't love this pair as much though because the waistband is more stretchy and therefore slightly loose. I have to pull them up A LOT during a run. Not fun. I have another pair that is New Balance (I think). They are alright but not as thick as these others and the waist band pinches so I don't really wear them unless both the other pairs are dirty.
Now, for boobage! I have several sports bras. Most of them are cheapie Hanes Fruit of the Loom jobs that I got from Wal-Mart years ago. They get the job done for my barely there bust. However, my FAVORITE sports bra EVAR is from Old Navy. I got it in the clearance section, and they do not sell this color anymore (it's more orangey than the picture) but they do sell the same style. It's very supportive and it makes me look less flat chested than most other sports bras I've used lol. The color looks really nice with my skintone too. :)
Now for one of the most IMPORTANT pieces of running "gear!!" SHOES! When I first started running I had a pair of Reeboks that I randomly purchased because I needed sneakers. After a month of running in them my ankle got sprained. At that point I decided to invest in some good running shoes that were suited to my high arches. After an exhaustive internet search I settled on Mizuno Wave Riders 15. They have a really good test on their website for determining what kind of shoes you need! I REALLY wanted the bright yellow pair, but the only pair my local shoe store had in stock was way less flashy :(. They were on sale though!!
These shoes are AWESOME. AWESOME. I love them so much. My feet do not hurt anymore while running. They have plenty of room in the toebox. I wore them for the Dirty Dash and they cleaned up really well too! The meshy-looking parts are very "ventilating."
Another piece of gear that I could not live without is my iPhone. I use it to track my miles, speed, calories, etc., and I also use it for music (without which I might die from boredom).
Pretty early on in my running I discovered that I cannot run very far without water. At first I was just carrying a regular water bottle with me, but being a gear junkie I decided to upgrade. I ordered this ProForm Squeeze bottle from good old Wally World.
It holds about 16 ounces of water which is perfect for my 3-ish mile runs. It has a stretchy band that keeps it in your hand without the effort of holding it, and it has a little pocket on the front for stuff. This has made running easier and I'm definitely taking it with to the 5K on Saturday!
That's all for now!! I also recently purchased a foam roller, but I haven't really used it much....I think it might be more beneficial when I'm running longer distances.
Happy Hump day!!
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