Thursday, October 25, 2012


So, remember how I said the Yurbuds hurt my dainty little earholes?  Well, today on Facebook I came across a how-to video on out to insert them......DOH.  I was doing it wrong.  I don't know if that's reflects bad on me or the company in that you need a how to video for your earbuds? LOL.  Anyhow, once I put them in correctly they don't hurt no mo!  Here's the video if you are interested.

Now I can't wait to try them out on a run!

Speaking of run today was so HARD.  I had to force myself to go and once I got going I kept telling myself to give it 5 more minutes and it would get better, but it never did.  :(  I did the full 3.1 miles, but I was 1 minute and some seconds slower than last time.  I was really bummed, but I just have to tell myself that it's gonna be a slow climb up this hill.  I will get there, but maybe not as fast as I think I should.  The only thing that matters is that I keep moving.

I was looking over a half-marathon training plan tonight and noticed that it calls for running 6 days per week with only a couple of those being "long" runs.  I think I will move more towards that in order to build up the number of days a week I run.  Makes sense!  Starting out 3.1 miles will be my long run days and I will build up from there!  Duke City Half-Marathon is in 12 months!  Gotta be ready!

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