Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloweenies!
Happy Halloween to you all!!! Here are our pumpkins this year. I helped my 4 year old carve his (aka I did it for him) and for some reason my pumpkins always end up looking alarmed.....
My run yesterday was the worst I've had in a while. I started out fairly strong but by about 10 minutes in I felt awful, super hot, pukey, etc...I took Gatorade with me this time instead of water and that was a BAD decision. My mouth tasted sickly sweet and I wondered if that was the problem. I only got in 1.5 miles before I HAD to stop. As I was walking home I realized that <<gasp>> my husband was right....I do not drink enough fluids. I can go all day without drinking anything and that's just no good!
When it interferes with my runs that's when I gotta fix it! I downloaded an app on my phone called Drink-O-Matic. Hopefully this helps!! Today is a rest day, which is good because the trick-or-treaters start early here and I don't want to have to dodge them for 40 minutes of running. This week has been stressful so far, so I told hubby that we should take a shot every time the doorbell rings. LOL. We'd be loaded about 20 minutes in because we get about 200 trick-or-treaters here on Halloween!! I am having a beer though and some chocolate!
My run yesterday was the worst I've had in a while. I started out fairly strong but by about 10 minutes in I felt awful, super hot, pukey, etc...I took Gatorade with me this time instead of water and that was a BAD decision. My mouth tasted sickly sweet and I wondered if that was the problem. I only got in 1.5 miles before I HAD to stop. As I was walking home I realized that <<gasp>> my husband was right....I do not drink enough fluids. I can go all day without drinking anything and that's just no good!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
It's grumpy time again....I should have suspected something when I got unreasonably angry at someone on Facebook for talking about Goga as if it were an actual exercise.....(We won't go there BUT IT'S NOT AN ACTUAL EXERCISE !!!!!!!!!!!!!) Then last night hubby was watching Finding Bigfoot and then he fell asleep while clutching the remote, but I didn't know he had the remote and I couldn't find the remote and THOSE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! They irritate me to no end. When a person talks about a mythical creature as if they are an expert on this creature that does not exist it MAKES HULK ME ANGRY.
Today seemed to be better. Then I went out for my run. I got in 1.5 miles before I just could not go any farther. WTF. I just want to crawl back into the bed and watch horrible TV all day. :( and eat m&m's.
Today seemed to be better. Then I went out for my run. I got in 1.5 miles before I just could not go any farther. WTF. I just want to crawl back into the bed and watch horrible TV all day. :( and eat m&m's.
It's Tuesday again??
Hola peoples!! I haven't posted in a few days because I could not think of anything to say....Nothing new or exciting going on here.
I started a marathon training program yesterday, but it started with a rest day. Hubby thought I was just slacking off until I showed him the app. I thought it was weird to start with a rest day too, but who am I to argue with the coach that lives inside my phone!! Today is a run day though!! I am taking an early lunch to get my run in.
You have until tomorrow to sign up for Pile on the Miles!!!! It's gonna be a BLAST!!!
I started a marathon training program yesterday, but it started with a rest day. Hubby thought I was just slacking off until I showed him the app. I thought it was weird to start with a rest day too, but who am I to argue with the coach that lives inside my phone!! Today is a run day though!! I am taking an early lunch to get my run in.
You have until tomorrow to sign up for Pile on the Miles!!!! It's gonna be a BLAST!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
So, remember how I said the Yurbuds hurt my dainty little earholes? Well, today on Facebook I came across a how-to video on out to insert them......DOH. I was doing it wrong. I don't know if that's reflects bad on me or the company in that you need a how to video for your earbuds? LOL. Anyhow, once I put them in correctly they don't hurt no mo! Here's the video if you are interested.
Now I can't wait to try them out on a run!
Speaking of run today was so HARD. I had to force myself to go and once I got going I kept telling myself to give it 5 more minutes and it would get better, but it never did. :( I did the full 3.1 miles, but I was 1 minute and some seconds slower than last time. I was really bummed, but I just have to tell myself that it's gonna be a slow climb up this hill. I will get there, but maybe not as fast as I think I should. The only thing that matters is that I keep moving.
I was looking over a half-marathon training plan tonight and noticed that it calls for running 6 days per week with only a couple of those being "long" runs. I think I will move more towards that in order to build up the number of days a week I run. Makes sense! Starting out 3.1 miles will be my long run days and I will build up from there! Duke City Half-Marathon is in 12 months! Gotta be ready!
Now I can't wait to try them out on a run!
Speaking of run today was so HARD. I had to force myself to go and once I got going I kept telling myself to give it 5 more minutes and it would get better, but it never did. :( I did the full 3.1 miles, but I was 1 minute and some seconds slower than last time. I was really bummed, but I just have to tell myself that it's gonna be a slow climb up this hill. I will get there, but maybe not as fast as I think I should. The only thing that matters is that I keep moving.
I was looking over a half-marathon training plan tonight and noticed that it calls for running 6 days per week with only a couple of those being "long" runs. I think I will move more towards that in order to build up the number of days a week I run. Makes sense! Starting out 3.1 miles will be my long run days and I will build up from there! Duke City Half-Marathon is in 12 months! Gotta be ready!
Pre-run anxiety?
Anyone ever have pre-run anxiety? I have to do a little work before I can head out for my morning run and I keep thinking things like: What if my last run was a fluke? What if I cannot do it again? What if it's horrible? I should just stay home. I should skip it.
What is wrong with you brain!?!?!?! Is it fear of failing? It's driving me crazy. I guess that's what they mean when they say:
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Awesome mail day numbah 2.
Happy Hump Day Wednesday!! I did not run yesterday because my legs are KILLING ME from PiYo on Monday!! Seriously, I dread going pee even because sitting down is excruciating!! I need one of those toilet seat extenders or something. I'm definitely running on Thursday, and then twice on the weekend to makeup for what I missed earlier in the week.
Yesterday I got my box from Klutchclub!! Yay! (If you recall my parents got me a 3-month subscription for my birfday.) I was super excited for this box because it included Yurbuds.
Yesterday I got my box from Klutchclub!! Yay! (If you recall my parents got me a 3-month subscription for my birfday.) I was super excited for this box because it included Yurbuds.
There was a lot of neat stuff in there! I calculated it to all be worth about $70. Pretty good considering it's only $18 a month. The Omega3 supplement is a month's worth too. I'm anxious to see if I notice any benefits from using it. It's a liquid instead of a pill. It does not taste fishy, however. It's pineapple orange flavor. I was excited to try the Good Greens bars. It says on the package that they have 3 servings of veggies in each one! My plan was to eat just one and save the other 2 for another day......yea. I ate all 3. Fortunately they are only 50 calories each. They are yummy too, all chocolate flavors, and gluten free. The box had a coupon for 50% off an order from their website so I thought I'd order some because my husband hates veggies. BUT they are $30 for a box of that's a little out of my price range. :(
I haven't tried the Pure Matters protein powder yet. It's also chocolate flavor and says it is made with yellow peas....It's vegan and gluten free. Also have not tried the hungershield yet, I'm intrigued by it though. I was most excited to try the Yurbuds (which sell for $30!!).
I normally use Skullcandy earbuds and I love them. They are super comfy. I have to use them for work (8 hours a day!) so the comfort thing is a big deal. I tried them while working yesterday, and maybe I wasn't putting them in my ears right? They hurt my earholes! These are supposed to be for women/small sized but maybe my earholes are child sized or something? LOL. Since they have the little tubey things that go into your ears it's kinda hard to figure out how to insert them. I'll give them another shot later, and if they still hurt then I'll give them to husband. He has big old earholes! ;)
I was not really sure what to do with the flax meal....I looked at a few recipes last night but nothing really piqued my interest. This morning at breakfast time I realized that I was all out of cereal, milk, oatmeal, bread, eggs so I figured we could try the flax meal as a breakfast type cereal. I pulled up one of the recipes on the internet and made some for my kiddos. I added brown sugar to sweeten it. WOW. Something strange happens when you add water to flax meal. It becomes a bizarre gelatinous goo. Very disturbing. I could not bring myself to even try it (I have texture issues). The girl child tried it and she said it was horrific. Girl child advised me that I should throw it in the trash, but maybe it's not so bizarre when used other ways??
Pile on the Miles signup started yesterday!!! Link is over there ------>
I have to catch up on my cleaning today and then work for a couple of hours this afternoon. I am making meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner. Sometimes you just need those comfort foods. :) Have a good one! (Magic Mike is on you know what I'm doing tonight after the kids go to bed!!)
Monday, October 22, 2012
Awesome mail day!
Today was an awesome mail day! (Not as good as getting an 8lb chocolate egg filled with running shoes or anything...but ya know.)
First off I got rainbow knee socks! Yay! These are happy making fosho.
Milo tried to steal them. I think he was enamored by the hot pink envelope. Really awesome stuff this month! Mascara, lip gloss, eye liner, hair oil treatment and eye shadow! The little makeup bag is CUTE too!! The eyeliner itself is worth $14. Score! Everything all together (not counting the bag) is "worth" about $60 bucks. The lip gloss sells for $31 but who would pay that much for lip gloss!?!?!
First off I got rainbow knee socks! Yay! These are happy making fosho.
I also got my much awaited package from Ipsy (formerly MyGlam). I subscribe to their monthly subscription service. For $10 a month you get a little bag full of makeups!
This are myyyyy cosmetics!! |
I have not been able to sleep the last few nights so I have been catching up on my movie watching. I watched Jane Eyre on Saturday night. Last night I watched The Notorious Bettie Page and The Descendants. Both really good. I had seen the Bettie Page movie before, but it's always a good one. I really liked The Descendants too; you can't go wrong with George Clooney!
We went to the pumpkin patch yesterday to pick out our pumpkins.
We went to the pumpkin patch yesterday to pick out our pumpkins.
We had fun and I had the best chicken salad sandwich EVER. I had planned to go for a run after we got home but we were wiped out.
This morning I went to a PiYo class with my bud Megan. It was fun!! (Imagine if Yoga and Pilates had a baby! PiYo!) Although, I stupidly forgot to bring my water! I bought a punch card for 5 visits so I'm thinking I will go to TurboKick on Friday with the same instructor. I need to do SOMETHING on the days I'm not running! Megan keeps trying to convince me to join her for Zumba, but I'm not there yet. Me + dancing = OMGWTF??
Someone posted a little goodie on Facebook this morning! A girl that I went to high school with posted a picture from my freshman year! Behold!! This is the "team picture" for flag corps, circa 1994.
I remember the day we took this picture we were all severely irritated for some reason and there were a lot of hidden middle fingers being thrown in all the pictures. We were very passive aggressive apparently.
Anyhoo, better get to work! I'm hoping for an afternoon nap today...
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Nothing doing...
Nothing much going on today. I have to log in and work this morning :( . Husband is off traipsing around the forest looking for elk and squirrel. The house is a DIS-AS-TER; so major cleaning will have to be done after working. I'm hoping to get to the track today too so I can get a run in.
Do not forget today and tomorrow are the last days to enter your run for the Cupcake Classic virtual 5k!
Also, the signups for Pile on the Miles start today Monday! Monica over at Run, Eat, Repeat is hosting this year. I am so excited for this!!! It's gonna be great to have something to focus on in November besides stuffing my face! ;)
Do not forget today and tomorrow are the last days to enter your run for the Cupcake Classic virtual 5k!
Also, the signups for Pile on the Miles start
I will update with a link when it's up!! :)
Off to work! Milo says have a great Caturday!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Goal met!
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Love the fall colors! |
Anyhow, I'm super excited and proud of myself that I accomplished a goal I set for myself (running an entire 5K). I took great pleasure in marking it DONE on my Pinterest board. LOL. :) It's the little things right?
Happy Thursday!! Taking little man for an ice cream cone after preschool (I might have bribed him to go to school without a major hissy fit....)
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
No run tonight....husband is working late. :( I will run tomorrow while little boy is at preschool. I decided since I couldn't go for a run I'd make the best cookies ever known to mankind.
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Seriously, you must make them. |
Remember how I said I was really tired yesterday? Well it became unbearable around noon and I called in sick for the rest of the day and took a 3-hour nap on the couch. It was awesome. Glorious even.
I discovered something exciting a few days ago....Victoria's Secret has started a line of sportswear! It even has its own section on the website! I ordered more running pants (capri and long pants), a jacket and shirt (with those keyhole things for your thumbs!!!!!) and a belt to hold keys etc when running races. Woohoo! That was my birthday present to myself. Happy Birthday Self!!
The kitties are playing/fighting this morning and distracting me with their cuteness.
I am excited for my run tonight! I want to see if I can get it down to less than 42 minutes! Getting so close to being able to RUN the entire 5k! That's something I never thought would be possible for me. :)
I discovered something exciting a few days ago....Victoria's Secret has started a line of sportswear! It even has its own section on the website! I ordered more running pants (capri and long pants), a jacket and shirt (with those keyhole things for your thumbs!!!!!) and a belt to hold keys etc when running races. Woohoo! That was my birthday present to myself. Happy Birthday Self!!
The kitties are playing/fighting this morning and distracting me with their cuteness.
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The first rule of kitty fight club is.... |
I am excited for my run tonight! I want to see if I can get it down to less than 42 minutes! Getting so close to being able to RUN the entire 5k! That's something I never thought would be possible for me. :)
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
I feel much less grouchy today than yesterday, although really tired today! Turning 33 really takes it out of ya...I guess.
I did my Cupcake Classic Virtual 5k last night! I ran for longer than I ever have before! I ran for 15 minutes, walked for 5 minutes and then ran the remaining 22 minutes!! My hip hates me today but it was worth it! I shaved a minute off my previous 5k time too! I'm starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel! I'm pretty sure I will be able to run the entire Turkey Trot 5k next month! (I can't believe there are exclamation marks at the end of all of the previous sentences...I'm so annoying.)
I did my Cupcake Classic Virtual 5k last night! I ran for longer than I ever have before! I ran for 15 minutes, walked for 5 minutes and then ran the remaining 22 minutes!! My hip hates me today but it was worth it! I shaved a minute off my previous 5k time too! I'm starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel! I'm pretty sure I will be able to run the entire Turkey Trot 5k next month! (I can't believe there are exclamation marks at the end of all of the previous sentences...I'm so annoying.)
As it turns out husband did not have to go out of town yesterday so he got to spend my birthday with me. YAY!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Happy Grouch Day....
So, when I woke up this morning I was all:
We had yummy cupcakes last night to celebrate since husband will be gone tonight. I'm thinking that I will curl up with the kitties tonight and watch horrible movies that are horribly horrible while eating carrot cake ice cream.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
I am reading an article in October's Runner's World right now about the Garritson family. First of all, I had never heard of them. Apparently, they are a family of 16 (!!) that are all involved in running. They've been in the news off and on since the 1980s because of their "extreme" lifestyle.
The article is about how when out for a run in the hills of California in November of last year they were attacked by a pack of 6 dogs.
Here's a news story about it. I'm not done reading the article in Runner's World yet, but WOW it really gives you a lot to think about as far as safety while running.
I have only ever run into one loose dog while running, a yorkie, but there are plenty who bark at me through fences when I run past. I've been considering buying a pepper spray keychain to take with me while running, and this article has given me the push I needed to go ahead and order it.
The article is about how when out for a run in the hills of California in November of last year they were attacked by a pack of 6 dogs.
Here's a news story about it. I'm not done reading the article in Runner's World yet, but WOW it really gives you a lot to think about as far as safety while running.
I have only ever run into one loose dog while running, a yorkie, but there are plenty who bark at me through fences when I run past. I've been considering buying a pepper spray keychain to take with me while running, and this article has given me the push I needed to go ahead and order it.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Happy Caturday!
Celebrate Caturday for me by watching Milo Kitty sleep. (I'm probably feverishly cleaning and/or baking pies right now.)
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Perusing for ideas.... |
Friday, October 12, 2012
That stands for thank god it's Friday yipee ki-yay motherfu....mofos!
This is what I want to do all day today,Saturday Caturday and Sunday:
Instead, I have to work like a mofo today and then clean house tonight for the partay tomorrow. I also have to squeeze in 8 hours of work tomorrow times! Sunday is the punkin patch and Monday is SOMEONE'S birthday. ;) I decided that since this virtual 5k is during my birthday week that I should run it in celebration of turning 33! Go me! You can print yourself a bib if you like and then once you run yours you log your information and submit a picture. I think that enters you for prizes too! They have t-shirts you can order, etc.
This is what I want to do all day today,
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Sushi loves a cushy tummy to lay on. |
Since we are talking about birfdays....I got the coolest e-mail this morning from Klutchclub! My mom and dad got me a 3-month subscription to their health/wellness box! I've been drooling over it since Monica over at Run, Eat, Repeat blogged about them! So excited! Here's what was in their September box:
I will update you guys when I get my first box!! Hope you guys have a wonderful Friday and weekend! I'm off to bore myself to death with work!
PS- Mucinex D is the bizomb!!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Honey lemon tea for everyone!
The one day I plan my schedule out in great detail what happens!?! Everyone gets sick! Husband has been sick for the past few days with sinus crud and congestion. My throat started hurting yesterday (but moms can't get sick so it doesn't count). Now the childrens are sick and home from school today. I got up early this morning to work so I could run and go to the grocery store while they were at school..... That's life I guess. So hopefully I can get in a run tonight, and I guess I'll go to the grocery store tonight too. I need a personal assistant/maid/chef!!
Now THIS is more realistic! ;)
I did start my push-ups yesterday! I did sets of 10 randomly throughout the day as I was cleaning, working, etc. My shoulders are SORE this morning! Husband supervised some of my push-ups last night and told me I was doing them all wrong. He also gave me some pointers. I guess he would know since he was in the military. Have a great Thursday!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
October Challenge!
I'm late, but I'm joining the Frightfully Fabulous Arms challenge over on Pretty Little Loser's blog! This girl (me) has some LARGE and in charge upper arms and that has got to stop! I measured them yesterday and they are 14.25 inches around. :(
I have no idea where to start. Husband said push-ups. I will go with that until I have time to research it on the internets. ;)
Also, I have a confession. I secretly want to do Tough Mudder September 2013.....don't tell anyone.
I have no idea where to start. Husband said push-ups. I will go with that until I have time to research it on the internets. ;)
Also, I have a confession. I secretly want to do Tough Mudder September 2013.....don't tell anyone.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Tuesday shmuesday...
Excellent run today! I did not get to run last night because hubby's work is batshit craycray right now and he didn't get home until after dark. :( I need to up my runs to four times a week to meet my goal of 30 miles in October I think.
Big weekend coming up! A friend is coming in from out of town. I haven't seen her since August! She actually went to highschool with husband, but through the modern miracle of Facebook I am able to steal all his old friends! ;) (Or at least that's what I'm accused of lol). I am hosting a Pure Romance party on Saturday, which surprisingly is a lot of fun and classier than you'd expect. You can google Pure Romance if you wanna. It's basically an adult toy party. Like Tupperware but with dildos.....BUT I swear it's classy! I have to come up with some fun snacks and cocktails to make.
Then Sunday we are going to hit up a pumpkin patch! It's a yearly tradition. Today I leave you with cute kitty back end. This is Milo sleeping between plants on the window seat. He's a weirdo.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Happy Monday!!
Hola peoples!! It is a beautiful, yet slightly chilly, Monday morning! Yesterday I volunteered at the vaccination clinic with the local animal welfare league. It was a blast. I really loved interacting with all the people. Working from home I only get to interact with my 4 year old ;) lol. I saw lots of cute doggies and not as many kitties as I hoped.
I'm stoked to get my run in today when hubster gets home from work. Here's my 38th place commemorative wooden ice cream spoon from the race on Saturday! ;) I love it! I'm pretty proud lol.
I hope your Monday is glorious. I have to get some work done today! I will leave you with a few things.
1. My nappy hair and my kitty sitting in my hoody.
2. My favorite youtube channel!!! Rhett and Link's daily morning show Good Mythical Morning! My day is not complete without watching.
I'm stoked to get my run in today when hubster gets home from work. Here's my 38th place commemorative wooden ice cream spoon from the race on Saturday! ;) I love it! I'm pretty proud lol.
I hope your Monday is glorious. I have to get some work done today! I will leave you with a few things.
1. My nappy hair and my kitty sitting in my hoody.
2. My favorite youtube channel!!! Rhett and Link's daily morning show Good Mythical Morning! My day is not complete without watching.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Get Pinked Fools!!!!
Today was the Get Pinked 5k. I was having MAJOR, MAJOR anxiety about it. It was my first solo 5k and I was terrified for some reason. I didn't sleep well at all last night! I woke up at 3 a.m. and thought "Oh no it's time to get up and I don't want to gooooooo." Then I checked my phone and realized I had 3 more hours of sleeps. WHEW. Then I just kind of tossed and turned until 6 a.m. I took my sweet time getting ready (I even put on make up lol). Hubby said: "Who wears makeup for a race?!?!" lol People who are procrastinating do! I finally forced myself out the door and drove to the race venue. After I went in and got my packet I felt HEAPS better. I was proud of myself for showing up. lol. I pinned my bib on and got back in the car for a bit.
I watched people walking in and out and texted with a friend who majorly calmed my nerves. (Thank you Roni!!!) I finally got out of the car and went and lined up.
I watched people walking in and out and texted with a friend who majorly calmed my nerves. (Thank you Roni!!!) I finally got out of the car and went and lined up.
I'm a few rows back checking my armband lol. The people in the front were doing a 5 mile run! They rock! I think I started a little too fast, so I had to start taking it back a few notches. My goal was to run 10 minutes, walk 5 minutes, run 10 minutes etc. In the midst of my first 10 minute running stretch someone honked at me and I looked up to see my hubby and kids parked across the street waving at me. That was the best feeling EVER!! I know I smiled so big! That was probably my favorite part of the race. I was able to run for 10 minutes and then I started walking and at the 5 minute mark of walking I wasn't ready to run again lol. I ended up walking for about 10 minutes because the route went up into the hills which were sandy and rocky and I didn't want to twist my ankle. Once we hit pavement again I ran for another 10 minutes, walked for 5 and then ran the last 8 minutes or so. I finished with a time of 43 minutes (gotta check the official time when the post it). As I ran through the finish line a friend of mine I haven't seen in at least a year was standing there and she gave me a big hug! THAT was awesome! Her husband ran the 5 miler and he won 1st place!! Anyhow I grabbed a Gatorade and a Cliff bar and sat down to process what had just happened.
I'm pretty proud of myself! I wanted to at least finish in 45 minutes so I did that! I am way more proud of this 5k than the Dirty Dash because I feel like I really did my best on this one! I'm contemplating running the Turkey Trot 5k in November! Woohoo!
Friday, October 5, 2012
How to deal
How do you deal with the days/weeks that you just don't feel motivated? That's how this week has been for me. I was supposed to run on Wednesday, but I was EXHAUSTED. I decided to postpone it until Thursday, but that was husband's birthday and therefore I was too busy! Now it's Friday and I have a 5k tomorrow morning!! GAH!!!
Also, my food choices have sucked this week. There has been birthday cake, donuts, soda, Burger King, etc.
I've been telling myself that this is a long-term goal and there are bound to be occasional set backs, but it's hard to ignore the negative self-talk sometimes and remember -
Also, my food choices have sucked this week. There has been birthday cake, donuts, soda, Burger King, etc.
I've been telling myself that this is a long-term goal and there are bound to be occasional set backs, but it's hard to ignore the negative self-talk sometimes and remember -
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
I figured I should tell you guys about some of the gear I've discovered (so far) that I LOVE and cannot live without.
I have 3 pair of running capris that I alternate. I like all of them, but I LOVE my Victorias Secret Knockout Crop pants.
I have 3 pair of running capris that I alternate. I like all of them, but I LOVE my Victorias Secret Knockout Crop pants.

They are awesome because they do not skooch down when I run. They are super comfy and thick enough that they don't show every little thing. <3 them!!! I need to order another pair in grey!
My second favorite pair are the Victorias Secret Supermodel Capri.
I love the waistband of this pair, it's so cute! It also has a secret pocket in the back of the waistband (inside) that I only discovered recently. I don't love this pair as much though because the waistband is more stretchy and therefore slightly loose. I have to pull them up A LOT during a run. Not fun. I have another pair that is New Balance (I think). They are alright but not as thick as these others and the waist band pinches so I don't really wear them unless both the other pairs are dirty.
Now, for boobage! I have several sports bras. Most of them are cheapie Hanes Fruit of the Loom jobs that I got from Wal-Mart years ago. They get the job done for my barely there bust. However, my FAVORITE sports bra EVAR is from Old Navy. I got it in the clearance section, and they do not sell this color anymore (it's more orangey than the picture) but they do sell the same style. It's very supportive and it makes me look less flat chested than most other sports bras I've used lol. The color looks really nice with my skintone too. :)
Now for one of the most IMPORTANT pieces of running "gear!!" SHOES! When I first started running I had a pair of Reeboks that I randomly purchased because I needed sneakers. After a month of running in them my ankle got sprained. At that point I decided to invest in some good running shoes that were suited to my high arches. After an exhaustive internet search I settled on Mizuno Wave Riders 15. They have a really good test on their website for determining what kind of shoes you need! I REALLY wanted the bright yellow pair, but the only pair my local shoe store had in stock was way less flashy :(. They were on sale though!!
These shoes are AWESOME. AWESOME. I love them so much. My feet do not hurt anymore while running. They have plenty of room in the toebox. I wore them for the Dirty Dash and they cleaned up really well too! The meshy-looking parts are very "ventilating."
Another piece of gear that I could not live without is my iPhone. I use it to track my miles, speed, calories, etc., and I also use it for music (without which I might die from boredom).
Pretty early on in my running I discovered that I cannot run very far without water. At first I was just carrying a regular water bottle with me, but being a gear junkie I decided to upgrade. I ordered this ProForm Squeeze bottle from good old Wally World.
It holds about 16 ounces of water which is perfect for my 3-ish mile runs. It has a stretchy band that keeps it in your hand without the effort of holding it, and it has a little pocket on the front for stuff. This has made running easier and I'm definitely taking it with to the 5K on Saturday!
That's all for now!! I also recently purchased a foam roller, but I haven't really used it much....I think it might be more beneficial when I'm running longer distances.
Happy Hump day!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
As I mentioned above, I had to make cupcakes for my neighbor this morning...chocolate cupcakes....
I'm not gonna lie. I had a few licks of batter, and it was GOOD. My neighbor only needed/wanted 12 cupcakes so I'm left with 12 extras and a spare 6 inch cake. The plan is/was me not eating any. BUT when I went to un-pan (is that a word?? lol) the small cake half of it stuck to the bottom of the pan. I may or may not have gobbled that up like I hadn't eaten in days, and I might have chocolate cake in my bra right now...I'll never tell.
I'm not gonna lie. I had a few licks of batter, and it was GOOD. My neighbor only needed/wanted 12 cupcakes so I'm left with 12 extras and a spare 6 inch cake. The plan is/was me not eating any. BUT when I went to un-pan (is that a word?? lol) the small cake half of it stuck to the bottom of the pan. I may or may not have gobbled that up like I hadn't eaten in days, and I might have chocolate cake in my bra right now...I'll never tell.
Gotta get to work now and do actual work things (gross). No time for a run today, and I want to veg out tonight. Plus, I cannot get hurt this week! My first ACTUAL 5k is this weekend (no obstacles just running!). It is the Get Pinked 5k. I'm excited and terrified!
Happy October 2!
Great run last night! I walked for 10 minutes (ran into chatty neighbors) and then ran for 8 minutes, walked for 5, ran for 8 and then walked for 5. The awesome thing is that at the end of the 8 minute stretches I felt like I could have gone on for a lot longer. My breathing was great and my legs were not hurting. It is so totally a mental thing!
(Pinterest goodie!)
I have to make cupcakes this morning for a neighbor and get some work stuff done. I was contemplating going for a run midday, but I don't want to push too hard. I guess we'll see if I have the time and the inclination. :)
One more thing: DA BEARS!!!! Awesome game last night!
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