Monday, November 26, 2012

Turkey Day Recap

Okay!  I'm finally ready to post about turkey day.  :)  It was really a fabulous day.  We had dinner at our house and invited our neighbors over.  We had amazing food.  Seriously awesome food.  Hubby made a beautiful turkey that was perfectly moist.

I made 2 pies, and burnt both of them....woops, and our neighbor brought a cheesecake that melted on the counter. ;)  They all tasted good though!  If we're being honest, by the time we got to the dessert we had all imbibed a few glasses of wine and did not care about the state of the desserts.  After dinner was cleared from the table we decided to play a game.  We found this one in our closet:

It was seriously hilarious!!  I have no idea where we got this game, but I haven't laughed that hard in a while.  I lost all my body parts except my head and still managed to win the game!  And as it turns out the best way to kick open a door is NOT utilizing the donkey kick method.

As tradition dictates we put up the Christmas tree the following day.  When we were hanging the ornaments I said to hubby "Didn't we just do this?!?!"  This year really flew by!

My Dad made this ornament for us :)
This is Milo's first Christmas so he basically thinks we installed a giant kitty toy for him.  This morning hubby found him asleep on the branches midway up the tree.

do not see me.
I hope your Thanksgiving was equally as amazing!  :)

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