Sunday, November 18, 2012

Happy Sunday!

Good morning!!  I slept in a bit this morning because girl child was up until 3:00 am puking, and my body still hurts from yesterday's Turkey Trot debacle!!  Girl child is better this morning thank goodness, and I am just crossing my fingers no one else gets sick. One round of vomit laundry (when you are already way behind on laundry) is more than enough thank you.

Today I am going to TRY to catch up on my cleaning and hopefully fit in a short, 20-minute run.  I am starting the 5k to 10k app on my phone.  I will leave you with the AWESOME painting that I found at Goodwill yesterday.  (Hubby hates it, but I MAJORLY LOVE IT!)  It makes me want to bust out my paintbrushes again.  :)

Hanging proudly in the kitchen.
I told Steffi over at Almost Healthy Life that I would do her 10 Things I Love About Myself challenge.  I meant to do it yesterday, but wasn't feeling the love.  :/  Here goes:

10 Things I Love About Myself

  1. My sense of humor.  I may be the only one laughing, but dangit I'm funny!!
  2. My green eyes, even if they are getting a few TEENY wrinkles around them.  
  3. I love that I can make a mean pan of cinnamon rolls.
  4. My love for reading.  
  5. My appreciation for art.
  6. My curly hair! 
  7. My new-found love of running.
  8. My love for details. 
  9. My love for adventure.
  10. I love that I love kitties.  Kitties are the best. <3


  1. Yuck to vomiting and being up all night. I hope your mini is feeling better and that no one else caught that bug!

    Thanks for the shoutout, girly!! I love your "I love myself" list :D I totally missed my love for kitties on mine... Willis is giving me a massage at the moment. A daily ritual of ours. Keep smiling and being you!!

  2. She's better! Finally back at school and no one else got sick. Whew!!
